Vaping Advice

We have collected the most important advice the industry has to offer to help you on your vaping journey. Total Vapour has a huge team of experts here to help you and deliver the best advice when it comes to vaping.

We have advice tailored for complete beginners and experienced vapers, whatever it is you need help with, we aim to create a blog post to help you. We are reporting on everything from the latest kits to the best kit care.

Whatever it is you are searching for, have a look at our blog, if it isn’t there let us know and we will do our best to help you! We always strive to provide you with the most up to date information and advice to help you along your vaping journey.

How To Make Your Own E-Liquid

How To Make Your Own E-Liquid

DIY e-liquid follows the exact same process and uses the same ingredients as retail e-liquid. The only difference is that when you make your own e-liquid, the flexibility and customisation options are endless. Making your own e-liquid is a creative and cost-effective solution to finding your favourite flavour.

How To Store E-Liquid
Beginner Vape Tricks

Beginner Vape Tricks

We have gathered a list of beginner-friendly vape tricks that you can learn so you can impress your friends. Once you’ve mastered these tricks, you might even find yourself at the vaping worlds next cloud chasing event!

What is Nicotine?

What is Nicotine?

Nicotine is a stimulant drug that speeds up the messages travelling between your brain and body. A stimulant drug can often make a person feel more awake, alert, confident or energetic. Similar stimulants can be found in caffeine.


MTL vs DTL Vaping

Discover the difference between MTL and DTL vaping. Read our guide to decide which style of vaping is best for you!

A History of Vaping

A History of Vaping

Technically, vaping is fast approaching its 100th year of existence. The first documented reference to an electronic cigarette was a patent way back in 1927. Vaping has improved significantly since the initial idea entered the world almost a century ago.


E-Cigarette Battery Care

E-cigarettes are designed to be used all day, every day, and so they need house batteries that can manage with high levels of power output and usage. It is very important that you take care of your battery and use compatible products as these can become dangerous if they are damaged or mistreated.

A Beginners Guide to Vaping

A Beginners Guide to Vaping

So, you’re intrigued by the world of vape and you’re ready to invest in your first vape kit, whether you are a smoker looking to transition to vape or completely new to the vaping world, this guide will give you an insight into the perfect vape kit to suit your needs.

What is Airflow?

What is Airflow?

One of the best things about vaping is that it is a completely personalised experience. Modern and innovative e-cigarette devices often offer an adjustable airflow option, usually in the form of a slider that will allow you to personalise your vapour production. 

How To Clean Your Vape Kit

How To Clean Your Vape Kit

Cleaning your vape kit, or anything for that matter, can often be a tedious task and something that we put off. However, if you want consistently good flavours and want to prolong the lifespan of your device and its components, it is a good idea to maintain it and clean your device regularly.